This beautiful town situated on the Amalfi coast is considered the Montecarlo of our country, not for the Casino and the unbridled luxury, but for the way in which it was built: perched on a hill.
Pearl of the Amalfi Coast, is a very charming and enchanting place. The city, in fact, was already the Roman Empire, a place of highly coveted holiday resort: here, in fact, were found in 2004, the remains of a villa dating back to that period. Its subtropical climate, so really mild, allows nighter summer holidays (with a heat bearable thanks to the refreshing breeze), but also thinking of spend a few days during the winter season, this time the temperatures in fact never fall under the six degrees.
Positano is also particularly important for its fashion indeed renowned throughout the world are the numerous linen dresses. Aside from fashion, however, Positano is one of the most famous seaside resorts of the Italian peninsula.
The beaches
The most important beaches are the " Spiaggia Grande" and the "Fornillo": both can be
reached on foot. By sea instead you can reach the beaches of La Porta, Arienzo and San Pietro Laureano, I suggest you not to miss.
The smells and the food of Positano
Yellow lemon trees, the deep green of the countryside, the blue sea. On the Amalfi Coast cuisine and the territory are linked inseparably.
The stunning beauty of its location, its art treasures have a background of flavors, aromas and fragrances which become an integral part of this enchantment.
A excursion that I advice is in Paestum, only two hours away from Positano.
Paestum is an ancient city of Magna Grecia called by the founders Poseidonia in honor of Poseidon, but most devoted to Hera and Athena. In the past it was also known as Pesto.
The Amphitheatre, the Forum and other public areas are interesting but the 3 Greek temples, stone, majestic in their essential Doric style are exceptional and see them in the light of the sunset and a
magical experience. Tours are from 8.30 to 19.30 and with a ticket that costs only a little less than 10 Euros you can 'get even in the Archaeological museum alongside which has a fine collection of mosaics and of vintage vessels of the temples (500/600 a.c.). E 'it included by' Unesco in the Patrimony of Humanity '.
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